Product Features
- pysähtyneen liikkeen tunnistin
- viestittää "pysähdyksissä", jos kuljetin, tuulettimet tai pyörivät koneistot pysähtyvät
- induktiivinen sensori, metalliset tunnistuspisteet
- hälyttää, jos se ei vastaanota signaalia 4 sekuntiin
- automaattinen kunnonvalvonta, yhteensopiva Whirligigin kanssa
Electronics Application
Belt Conveyor
Belt Conveyor
Bucket Elevator
Bucket Elevator
Literature Downloads
Product Datasheet - M100 Stopswitch
Product Datasheet - M100 Stopswitch (GAS)
Full Line Catalogue - Electronic Components
Technical Manuals & Docs
Product Manual - M100
ATEX Certificate
X400 Elite Alarmswitch

X400 Elite Alarmswitch
The X400 Elite is a microprocessor controlled low cost alarm indicator panel for use with level indicators, hazard controls and limit switch sensors. The X400 accepts signals from different sources in up to 8 zones, and is able to cause alarm and shutdown of the machine when an alarm condition has been detected. Alarm and status LEDs on the lid of the X400 provide quick location of alarm conditions. Alarm muting can be performed at the panel or by an optional remote push button to silence external alarms. If the system is muted, it will automatically reactivate when a new alarm is triggered. Testing can also be activated at the panel, providing full system verification.