- mikroprosessoriohjattu nopeusvartija
- viestittää alinopeudesta kauhaelevaattoreissa, kuljettimissa ja kaikissa pyörivissä koneistoissa
- induktiivisensori, DIN-tyypin kotelointi, tunnistuspisteinä esim. pultinkannat
- kaksoistunnistuspisteet ~ 10 %:n ja 20 %:n alinopeudet
- automaattinen kunnonvalvonta
- yhteensopiva Whirligigin kannsa
Belt Conveyor
Bucket Elevator
The SpeedMaster™ with Pulse Pilot is the only device that accurately tests the calibration of a speed switch, and allows testing of the 10% alarm and 20% shutdown features of the sensor while installed on the machine shaft.
The SpeedMaster™ operates in two modes. Input mode is used to measure the pulse rate at normal speed. Output mode will allow the user to simulate belt underspeed for testing purposes.
The Pulse Pilot fits between the gap between the sensor and the target. The Pulse Pilot will have no effect on the operation of the speed switch until it is connected to the SpeedMaster™ and set to Output mode.
4B Speed Relay (USR)
The Speed Relay is a microprocessor controlled digital speed monitor for use with 2, 3, 4 wire NPN/PNP sensors, 4B’s WDA range of sensors or Contact sensor inputs, with a user programmable electromechanical relay and PhotoMOS Solid State Relay (SSR) outputs. The Speed Relay has a 160x80 pixel LCD display to provide information, and 3 front panel buttons to program settings.
X400 Elite Alarmswitch
The X400 Elite is a microprocessor controlled low cost alarm indicator panel for use with level indicators, hazard controls and limit switch sensors. The X400 accepts signals from different sources in up to 8 zones, and is able to cause alarm and shutdown of the machine when an alarm condition has been detected. Alarm and status LEDs on the lid of the X400 provide quick location of alarm conditions. Alarm muting can be performed at the panel or by an optional remote push button to silence external alarms. If the system is muted, it will automatically reactivate when a new alarm is triggered. Testing can also be activated at the panel, providing full system verification.
The Industrial Ethernet Node (IE-NODE) is a remote monitoring interface designed to provide sensor data to PLC’s or other automation and control systems.
Both units can be expanded to 16 sensor inputs with the installation of optional expansion boards.
The IE-NODE operates by reading its sensor inputs and sending processed data when requested by another system (e.g. PLC). The units are equipped with an RJ45 Ethernet socket and supports PROFINET, EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP protocols for easy integration with Siemens, Allen-Bradley Rockwell, Modicon and other PLC’s or automation devices.
The IE-NODE’s network configurator software provides a visual view of all devices on the network. It allows for easy identification of each unit on the network and allows for network settings to be changed as needed.