Encoder-Flex 1024 on pyörivä akselin kooderi, joka seuraa liukuportin asentoa, akselin asentoa tai akselin nopeutta. Esimerkkejä ovat hyllyportin, venttiilien, jakajien ja akselin nopeuden sijainti hitaasti liikkuvissa kuljettimissa, sekoittimissa ja kuivaimissa.
Encoder-Flex 1024 käyttää innovatiivista teknologiaa portin asennon tai akselin nopeuden seurantaan. Resoluutio on ohjelmoitavissa 1–1024 impulssia kierrosta kohti ja siinä on 4–20 mA:n lähtö sekä neliöpulssilähtö suunnanopeudelle ja Modbus RTU -tiedonsiirrolle edistyneen konfiguroinnin ja diagnostiikan mahdollistamiseksi.
Siinä on kaksi tila-LEDiä helppoa käyttötilan ja kohteen havaitsemista varten. Laite voidaan nopeasti kalibroida magneetin kosketuksella akselin nopeutta, kulma-asentoa tai portin asentoa varten. Tiivis runko on valmistettu ruostumattomasta teräksestä.
- Valvoo akselin pyörimisnopeutta, kulmaa tai asentoa
- Lähdöt: 4-20 mA, kvadratuuripulssi (nopeus/suhteellinen pyörimisliike) ja RS485 Modbus RTU
- Ohjelmoitava resoluutio 1-1024 pulssia kierroksella
- Muistaa akselin asennon tehohäviön sattuessa
- Umpinainen ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu kotelo
4B Speed Relay (USR)
The Speed Relay is a microprocessor controlled digital speed monitor for use with 2, 3, 4 wire NPN/PNP sensors, 4B’s WDA range of sensors or Contact sensor inputs, with a user programmable electromechanical relay and PhotoMOS Solid State Relay (SSR) outputs. The Speed Relay has a 160x80 pixel LCD display to provide information, and 3 front panel buttons to program settings.
Watchdog™ Super Elite (WDC4)
The Watchdog Super Elite (WDC4) is easy to install and simple to set-up. The system processes signals from sensors for belt misalignment, belt speed & slip, continuous bearing temperature, pulley misalignment and plug conditions for bucket elevators or belt conveyors. When an alarm is detected it will sound an alarm and provide shutdown control of the elevator/conveyor and feeding system.
A 3.5” LCD screen displays the entire system status at a glance. Password protected controller settings can be set up either directly on the LCD screen, or by a PC application and transferred to the WDC4 via an SD card.
The Watchdog Super Elite can be connected directly to a PLC using the Modbus TCP/IP protocol, or integrated into HazardMon.com®. This secure cloud based solution provides live system status, graphs and historical data that is viewable on any web-enabled device (smart phone, tablet, desktop PC).
The Industrial Ethernet Node (IE-NODE) is a remote monitoring interface designed to provide sensor data to PLC’s or other automation and control systems.
Both units can be expanded to 16 sensor inputs with the installation of optional expansion boards.
The IE-NODE operates by reading its sensor inputs and sending processed data when requested by another system (e.g. PLC). The units are equipped with an RJ45 Ethernet socket and supports PROFINET, EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP protocols for easy integration with Siemens, Allen-Bradley Rockwell, Modicon and other PLC’s or automation devices.
The IE-NODE’s network configurator software provides a visual view of all devices on the network. It allows for easy identification of each unit on the network and allows for network settings to be changed as needed.
How do I calibrate the 4-20 mA output?
There is a magnet included with the Encoder-Flex 1024 that is used to calibrate speed, rotational position, or gate position. Optionally, it can be calibrated using the PC software over the Modbus RTU communications.
Can I change the resolution or do I need to specify when ordering?
The Encoder-Flex 1024 can be programmed for 1 to 1024 pulses per revolution. By default, it will be set to 64 PPR, but can be reprogrammed in the factory or on site by using the PC software over the Modbus RTU communications..