Silo Monitoring

4B has a wide range of level indicators for point level indication of bulk granular solids or powders in bins and silos.

All of 4B's sensors can be connected to our hazard monitoring systems.

silo monitoring

Silo Monitoring

    RG Series

    RG Series level sensors
    RG Series

    The RG Series Level Sensors have been designed to indicate the presence or absence of bulk materials such as grains, pellets, chemicals, wood chips and other powders.

    The detection of material is achieved by a rotating paddle. If material impedes the rotation of the paddle, the motor topples of its axis and triggers an alarm.

    The RG Series has a variety of compatible paddles which offer the ability to detect a wide range of products.



    4B Autoset Radio-Frequency Level Indicator

    The Auto-Set series RF capacitance point level monitors are used for detecting high, intermediate, or low levels of liquids, powders and free flowing granular solids stored in tanks, bins, silos or other containers.

    The Auto-Set series incorporates simple push-button calibration with microprocessor enable/disable switch for total protection of stored values. Once the Auto-Set is calibrated for the application it never has to be re-calibrated. Data is stored in non-volatile memory so it is not affected by power loss. A four digit LED display shows set values for uncovered, covered and trip settings, allowing simple set-up and adjustment. A set of voltage-free changeover relay contacts are actuated when the level of the material in the container reaches the probe. The unit incorporates a unique power shield which automatically compensates for material build-up around the probe and on the sides of the container, preventing false indication. The solid state electronics are housed in a weatherproof, flame retardant, glass-reinforced nylon enclosure. The Auto-Set is top or side mountable with 316 stainless steel probes lengths up to 10m long.



    RLI rotary level indicator

    The RLI rotary paddle switch is designed to detect high and low levels of bulk granular solids in bins, tanks, silos, and as blockage detectors in spouts. The detection of material is achieved by a rotating paddle. If material impedes the rotation of the paddle, the motor topples of its axis and triggers a contact. The power supply to the motor is cut and the contact signals that a critical level has been reached, which will cause the motor for any inlet or outlet to close down or start up. When the level of the material reaches normal levels again, the motor returns to its initial position and restarts.


    Binswitch Elite Capacitive Sensor

    4B Binswitch Elite Capacitive Sensor
    Binswitch Elite Capacitive Sensor

    Detects level or plug situations for bulk granular solids or liquids in tanks, bins, or silos and can be used as a plug or choke detector in chutes, conveyors and elevator legs.


    T500 Elite Hotbus™

    T500 Elite Hotbus™ elevator & conveyor monitoring system
    T500 Elite Hotbus™

    The T500 Elite Hotbus™ is a serial communications system designed to monitor up to 256 sensors for combined belt alignment, belt speed, continuous bearing temperature, pulley alignment, level indication (bin / silo) and plug conditions on bucket elevators and conveyors. With automatic machine shutdown capability and PLC / PC compatibility, this advanced microprocessor based system offers low cost installation, versatility and easy system expansion. Logging and trending software is also available for historic data analysis and preventative or predictive machine maintenance.® is a secure cloud based hazard monitoring solution providing status notifications and data logging for bucket elevators and conveyors. Live system status, graphs and historical data can be viewed on any web-enabled device (smartphone, tablet PC, desktop or laptop computer). Emails can be sent to notify users whenever a change in the system's health is detected. An automated maintenance feature allows site operators to verify that all sensors on the system are operational and working correctly.


    Hazardmon cloud-based hazard monitoring solution®® is a secure cloud based hazard monitoring solution providing status notifications and data logging for bucket elevators and conveyors. Live system status, graphs and historical data can be viewed on any web-enabled device (smartphone, tablet PC, desktop or laptop computer). Emails can be sent to notify users whenever a change in the system's health is detected. An automated maintenance feature allows site operators to verify that all sensors on the system are operational and working correctly. works in conjunction with 4B's Watchdog Super Elite™, T500 Elite Hotbus™ & IE-Node control systems for bucket elevators and conveyors. Both multi-function systems are specially designed to monitor equipment for belt misalignment, belt speed, continuous bearing temperature, pulley alignment, level and plug conditions.