Catene Forgiate - Bolt 'n' Go
Catene Forgiate con Palette Imbullonate
4B102BNA, 4B125BNA, 4B142BNA, 4B142BHA, 4B160BNA
Bolt-n-Go - Forged Chains
Product Features
  • Di facile assemblaggio
  • Flessibilità calcolata con precisione
  • Livello di rumore eccezionalmente basso
  • Fissaggio palette con bulloni, non serve saldatura
  • Garantite - attacco sicuro e affidabile
  • Minimo ingombro per magazzinaggio e spedizioni
  • Costi ridotti
  • Palette in nylon
    Catene Forgiate - Bolt 'n' Go - drawing
    Min. Breaking Load Case Depth Weight/Link P H T W M D
    (kN) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
    4B102BNA 180 0.5 mm 0.38 kg 102 36 7 28 12 14
    NEW 4B125BNA 200 0.6 mm 0.70kg 125 35 10 36 15 16
    4B142BNA 300 0.7 mm 1.08 kg 142 50 12 42 18.7 25
    4B142BHA 450 0.7 mm 1.76 kg 142 50 16.5 62 28.5 25
    4B160BNA* 350 0.8 mm 1.30 kg 160 44.5 13 42 19.5 20
    * On request.

    * On request.

    Literature Downloads
    White Papers
    Caso di studio: Aggiornamento del trasportatore nel terminale cerealicolo
    Caso di studio: Aggiornamento del trasportatore a catena di una risiera
    Case Study - Bolt 'n' Go Chain and Flight System at CHS
    The True Cost of Chain Conveyors - How Bolt 'n' Go Chains keep the running costs down (Technical Article)

    Progettazione catene per trasportatore

    Progettazione catene per trasportatore

    Take advantage of our free design service for chain conveyors.
    Whether you want a new chain conveyor or you want to optimize an existing chain conveyor, our engineers at 4B can help you.

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    Take advantage of our free design service for chain conveyors.
    Whether you want a new chain conveyor or you want to optimize an existing chain conveyor, our engineers at 4B can help you.

    To get a free chain conveyor calculation

    Please fill this form in as accurately as possible to allow us to deal with your enquiry more effectively. 

    Contact Details

    Chain Conveyor Details

    kg/ m3
    If existing Conveyor, give details

    If you would like to send us a technical drawing or document with your enquiry, please send to

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