CC-S Elevator Buckets
Stackable CC-Style Buckets

A unique patented design, the CC-S® elevator bucket range offers greater capacities, longer life and cleaner discharges all in a stackable form for substantial freight and storage space savings. The complete CC-S® range of 35 different sizes is moulded from premium virgin white polymer material for ultimate strength and durability.

CCS elevator bucket
Product Features
  • Stackable design for big cost savings and larger capacities
  • The elevator bucket with a beam for no bowing or backlegging
  • "Iceberg"™ Edge for gentler handling and longer life
  • Premium virgin white poly for maximum bucket strength
Use by Industry
Use by Product
Pellets & Light Agricultural
CC-S Elevator Bucket - drawing
CC-S Bucket A B C D T weight capacity capacity capacity Max
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) kg Z2 (total) Z3 +10% Z3 (water) Pcs/Mtr
3x2 85 64 53 35 4.5 0.05 0.13 0.14 0.1 15.75
4x3 112 89 78 54 5 0.11 0.37 0.32 0.29 11.25
5x4 135 115 103 72 5 0.2 0.8 0.66 0.6 8.75
6x4 161 115 103 72 5 0.23 0.96 0.81 0.74 8.75
7x4 186 115 103 72 5 0.26 1.13 0.96 0.87 8.75
6x5 163 141 131 93 6 0.37 1.48 1.27 1.15 7.15
7x5 189 141 131 93 6 0.41 1.74 1.49 1.35 7.15
8x5 214 141 131 93 6 0.45 2 1.72 1.56 7.15
9x5 240 141 131 93 6 0.5 2.22 1.88 1.71 7.15
10x5 265 141 131 93 6 0.54 2.53 2.17 1.97 7.15
11x5 290 141 131 93 6 0.59 2.78 2.39 2.17 7.15
12x5 316 141 131 93 6 0.62 3.05 2.62 2.38 7.15
8x6 213 171 154 105 6 0.56 2.76 2.31 2.1 6.00
9x6 239 171 154 105 6 0.64 2.95 2.59 2.35 6.00
10x6 264 171 154 105 6 0.68 3.38 3.03 2.75 6.00
11x6 289 171 154 105 6 0.72 3.85 3.41 3.1 6.00
12x6 315 171 154 105 6 0.78 4.3 3.63 3.3 6.00
13x6 340 171 154 105 6 0.84 4.6 3.96 3.6 6.00
14x6 358 171 154 105 6 0.9 5.05 4.35 3.95 6.00
10x7 273 200 180 127 8 1.05 5.12 4.36 3.96 5.25
11x7 299 200 180 127 8 1.1 5.6 4.8 4.4 5.25
12x7 324 200 180 127 8 1.2 6.18 5.27 4.79 5.25
13x7 350 200 180 127 8 1.28 6.71 5.72 5.2 5.25
14x7 375 200 180 127 8 1.37 7.25 6.18 5.62 5.25
15x7 400 200 180 127 8 1.45 7.76 6.63 6.03 5.25
16x7 426 200 180 127 8 1.53 8.3 7.08 6.44 5.25
10x8 275 228 210 149 10 1.44 6.66 5.71 5.19 4.60
11x8 300 228 210 149 10 1.55 7.35 6.3 5.73 4.60
12x8 326 228 210 149 10 1.66 8.07 6.92 6.29 4.60
13x8 351 228 210 149 10 1.76 8.75 7.51 6.83 4.60
14x8 377 228 210 149 10 1.88 9.47 8.14 7.4 4.60
15x8 402 228 210 149 10 1.97 10.16 8.73 7.94 4.60
16x8 427 228 210 149 10 2.05 10.85 9.33 8.48 4.60
18x8 479 228 210 149 10 2.3 12.28 10.57 9.61 4.60
20x8 529 228 210 149 10 2.5 13.65 11.77 10.7 4.60

Bolt holes to customer specification.

CC-S Elevator Buckets Video