Programmable Tachocount
The TACH3V5 Tacho is low cost electronic display which can be user programmed to indicate speed, distance or time intervals. The unit incorporates a 4 digit red LED display with programmable auto decimal point, in a DIN 96 x 48 enclosure (panel cut-out size: 92 x 44 mm). A relay output is provided for speed control use.

Product Features
- Indicates speed, rate or count
- Suitable for M300/ M800 sensors
- High clarity 6-digit fluorescent display
- Low cost standard speed display or fully programmable units available
- Programmable units provide 2 voltage relay contact outputs for under-/overspeed monitoring
- DIN rail mountable
Literature Downloads
Datasheet - Tachocount
Full Line Catalogue - Electronic Components
Technical Manuals & Docs
Product Manual - Tacho